Mother’s day!

What does your mother mean to you?

Write it down in a book and give it away. Everyone at Solentro has made a gift like this and in all cases it was for sure highly appreciated, sometimes even the best gift ever received!

A book from Solentro is the perfect gift!

You can invite your siblings to join you in your book making progress, with our ”Invite others” feature you can easily manage everything from Solentro's web-page. An automatic service provides your siblings with an e-mail from where they can contribute with greetings and/or other writings and photos – everything is automatically transferred to your book.

You can create everything from a new version of your mother’s recipe book or perhaps a photo book from your latest vacation together.

What are you waiting for? It's easy and alot of fun!

Solentro + Instagram = True

Solentro wants to share all the amazing stories from our customers!

From now on Solentro can be found on Instagram under the name solentro.english

You may also be featured on Instagram AND receive a gift card with a value of $15!

Hashtagg #solentrostory with a picture of your book and a few lines about the book, how it was received if it was a gift and/or other thoughts about your book. You may also email a picture of your book with an associated text and we will post it on Instagram for you!

Submit your picture in May and you will receive a gift card with a value of $15!

Exceptional satisfaction!

If you have any questions when creating your own book or photo book feel free to contact us. All messages will be handled in order.

Customer service:

Wishing you the best!

/Hampus & Tobias Schildfat, brothers and founders

At Solentro you can make your own bookphoto bookphoto albumwedding bookgraduation book (yearbook),
christening bookbook of remembrance,blog bookretirement book, "my first book"
- we focus on simplicity and usability which opens up for your creativity!

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