Our Softcover Basic book is a perfect choice for those who want to print many books in black/white! The cover is laminated in full color on Invercote G 240g paper. The inside consists of uncoated Arctic Matt 115 g paper!
An excellent choice for those who, for example, want to publish their own book.
Softcover Basic can be printed from 24-1000 pages and has a very competitive price, minimum 10 books/order.

You can easily see the exact price for your book on the production part of the site. Choose the desired number of pages, click on "Calculate price" and the amount will appear.
The price depends on the number of pages, type of book and the book size - it doesn't matter what you fill the book with (text and/or images).
At Solentro you can make your own book, photo book, photo album, wedding book, graduation book (yearbook), christening book, book of remembrance, blog book, retirement book, "my first book" - we focus on simplicity and usability which opens up for your creativity!